Tonight I picked up Frank about a quarter to 6. and we went to Mcdonalds for dinner 🙂 yummo. We were on our way to goto TNA wrestling in Fort Myers. It was a fun Night. After the show I got pictures with Samoa Joe and Jeremy Borash . I saw JASON! there and Jimmy and Cindy.
After the Show we decided to go to seethe Midnight Show of the new Star Wars Movie. We bought the tickets, then walked around the outdoor mall to check it out. We ran into Sarah, a server who used to work at perkins, she directed us to a bar, we walked there, and ended up hanging at the bar with the TNA girls. And some of the wrestlers and producers. It was Fun. Then we went to see the Movie We both fell asleep and missed the ending. So if ya know how it ends, let me know 🙂 a Fun night.