Woke up and I was thirsty. I wanted Orange Juice. brb. k i’m back, Had to get some OJ. I watched some CNNHD to see the latest on the primary. I went and voted for Hillary. The voting was in a senior center and they actually had the heat on. HEAT in Florida, it was 75 degrees out and 95 degrees inside, What were they thinking? Then I went to john green to help him with his computer. I took Debra along with me. Before I got home I stopped at Publix. I spent another $30 on food. I used to spend about $2 a day on food. Hopefully this will end soon or I will go broke. Then it was more CNNHD. Yay! Hillary won Florida. There is a hot chick on cnn. Amy Holmes, I don’t usually like that type but her intelligence and personality make up for a lot. I don’t wanna go to work tomorrow.
All about the Albie